Leader Development & Education for Sustained Peace Program: Cross-Cultural, Geopolitical & Regional Education

Regional Seminars


LDESP Seminars

The LDESP programs offers:

  1. REGIONAL SEMINARS:Regional seminars focusing on political, cultural, security and other mission related issues tailored to individual unit requirements that aim to prepare mid to senior military leaders participating in multilateral and joint military exercises with partner militaries and short and long-term engagements in the Middle East, Europe, Pacific, Afghanistan, Africa, and other regions around the world
  2. WORKSHOPS ON COMBATING VIOLENT EXTREMISM: Seminars and workshops customized to address the concerns of the Ministry of Interior, law enforcement and security organizations in partner countries focusing on law enforcement challenges in the region, immigration, radicalization trends in the region, de-radicalization strategies and cooperative measures with regional law enforcement networks. These events will include a scenario based exercises, case studies and projects.
  3. STATE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS:State Partnership seminars focusing on areas of cooperation between the state National Guard within the US and its partner country.
  4. LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS: Leadership seminars that aim to develop innovative thinkers, capable of predicting second and third order effects, who have the cultural and political understanding necessary to effectively use negotiation skills and who can retain team building and training skills along with the capacity to leverage technology.

Please contact the LDESP staff at ldesp_staff@nps.edu to learn more about scheduling a seminar.

CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS: The LDESP topics, learning objectives and program are tailored to meet the educational requirements and specific mission of each unit, country or organization. The LDESP curricula are constantly evolving to meet current requirements.

Faculty: LDESP is a collaborative educational program designed and facilitated by a pool of more than 300+ faculty, scholars from leading educational institutes, DoD, government agencies and international organizations to support the required educational requirements. The collaborative model offers diverse viewpoints to the command to share ideas and thoughts that will help participants understand different perspectives within various regions.

Target Audience: The senior leader/military commander or MOI/partner country requesting an LDESP seminar selects and determines attendees, based on desired outcome and mission.


Location or Facility Requirements: Seminars are conducted at location requested by partner country or Command.

Duration of Training: Seminars are tailored to fit the requirements of the program and can range from 1 day – 1 week based on requirements.

Scheduling a Program: Contact the Program Manager, COL (R) Bob Tomasovic, to schedule or find out more about the seminars.